I'm using the XNV-L77bt for some months now and im loving the TomTom module with regular updates. However im irritated by he Userinterface of the device. For something as simple as using radio or changing an album in the USB mode etc. you have to perform many clicks (touch's) to get the device to do what you want. Which is not safe while driving! Sony please update the UI of the device. and while at it make it quicker!!!
Besides that I am having issues with the built in carkit. I've tried every single setting possible on the device and changed the location of the mic but nothing helps. The caller always hear his own echo. Come on sony for a device which cost around 1100 i at least expect a decent carkit. Please bring a update for the device and downt let your customers down!
If anyone has a solution to the carkit please do respond.
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