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my mp3 player a nwz s545 will not sync with mp11 it did last year this is what i have tried
it works fine with mp9 and win7 but not with mp11 on my computer
i have tried 3 different mp3 players on my pc and they all work fine , an lg a sony ( a later version ) and one i can't remember what it was.
it also won't work with vista i have uninstalled and reinstalled mp 11 twice and it still won't work
any ideas
I have the same walkman (and the same problem) and was close to binning it and get an MP3 player that worked (and with a louder volume)
The problem i had was when trying to sync from windows media player 11 to the walkman the screen would show "processing" with the spinning green circle and it would just stay there, the walkman would be frozen and would require resetting at the back.
Its was buggin me for ages. having to reinstall firmware blah blah, format the player etc etc.
I think I may have stumbled on the solution to the sync problem.
Open task manager, ctrl,alt,del. look at the processes running in alphabetical order, makes it easier to find the little culprit.
is there a wmiprvse.exe running?
if so end this task.
now try syncing your walkman
it worked for me. however do not try and find the wmiprvse.exe to delete it. the WMIPRVSE is needed for some software on your pc to run on as a platform similar to svchost.exe. It may pop up every so often so if your having syncing probs, check this first.
There isn't a wmiprvse.exe running .
however before i tried it on other pc's it would lock up but now the pc tells me i cannot change a ny sync settings at this time and if i continue and try and sync to load an album it tells me windows media player has encountered a problem while syncing to this device
on the mp3 player screen it says connected usb (mtp) the timer etc will become invalid and the charging bars are still moving. it is rather annoying i can put files on using content transfer but i don't get the album art
thanks for your help got any other ideas if i formatted it where do i get the info back not my music but whatever is removed in the formatting process !!!
I have an A series player but I expect they all work in a similar manner. I'm using Vista & WMP11.
You should already have a Sync relationship set up in WMP with the Sony. If you haven't read the help to find out how to do it - I recollect this being fairly straightforward & of course you only need do it the once.
Once you've done that set up a sync session & drag the albums in the WMP database across to the playing now area. If you want to do them all then go to the folders view, select all of them & drag to the play now area while in a Sync session & all the tracks should come across.
Thanks wrinklie
but it used to work fine but now it's decided not to, wmp knows my mp3 player is there it just does'nt like it anymore and does'nt want to talk to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers Tony
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