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Hi. I have the Sony NWZ-A 829. I have tried with no luck so far, to load some movies into it. I have tried directly from DVDs, and I have tried files converted using Windows Movie Maker. No luck there either. Anybody know where I am going wrong please?
Check if your Sony has input or output format. Normally it is output.
Thanks for your reply. It has input.
I also have problems loading movies into the walkman. Please, check thread
I cannot figure out the relationship between the option that you mention and the problems to load a movie into the walkman. In my case the NWZ-A845.
First you have to decode your DVD. Otherwise the video will have a very bad quality (see DVDDecrypter).
Once decrypted and stored on your PC, convert it in MP4 format. Be aware that H.264 format in not supported. On my converter, I had to specifiy MP4 legacy encoding.
Hi thanks for responding. I have fixed the problem now. When I loaded the Software CD that came with my Walkman I noticed there was an item called ''Go Pro''. This item you purchase from Sony Online. I indeed purchased this item for less than six Pounds. I then ripped a DVD to my Desk Top. I then opened the Go Pro Software, used it conjunction with the clip I wanted to load in my Walkman. HEY PRESTO! Worked like a dream.:smileyhappy:
Thanks for the update and it will surley work for us.
There are no such special formats but I think there must be some chance to watch movies in Mp4 and other great sources.
Message was edited by: -Cass-
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