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I own a SVD1321C5E (Vaio Duo 13) which I am trying to update to Windows 8.1. The installation is failing while checking for compatibility. It says contact vendor for latest BIOS. I then went to the support site to download latest driver.
BIOS Updates - R0151S7 64 bits 5.02 Mb 04/09/2013
When trying to install this, it says I am already on the latest version of BIOS. I have also ensured all pre-requisites mentioned in Sony website below are met.
What else am I missing? Have tried atleast 4 times so far. Please help.
There are a series of updates available which need to be installed before upgrading to 8.1 these include a new bios a new "required vaio update"(Site says this is required before installing Windows 8.1) and several driver updates,unfortunatly these are only available for us duo 13
see this thread post #1656
Same issue here, the US sony site has provided an updated bios to allow the 8.1 update but there's nothing on the the UK site yet, i've emailed sony but heard nothing back yet, pretty dissapointed as you would have thought an expensive flagship product like the duo 13 that's still on sale would have better support.
Sony are really starting to ***** me off first the wi-fi problems and now they cant even provide us with the relevent tools to upgrade to windows 8.1 on launch day! how can the usa have everything ready and not us, its the same machine infact people have actually installed the US bios and are now enjoying the new os
A load of new drivers showed up in the UK sony support site, looks like this is our 8.1 upgrade oack
The upgrade to Windows 8.1 worked but I am still left with an unidentified device in Device Manager. Neither Windows update nor any of the downloads for our laptop model seems to fix this.
Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller
The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)
There are no compatible drivers for this device.
Any of you facing this?
Yes i have 2 unidentified devices both with the yellow triangle, computer doesnt seem to know what it is, updating the driver not working
Hi deejohnny.
In Device Manager, if you go to Properties -> Details -> Hardware IDs for the hardware without installed drivers, it should be possible to find out exactly which drivers are missing.
I am sure I read that Sony cannot provide all drivers immediately and have set themselves a target of the end of the month for all drivers to be available through Vaio Update.
I have just realised the missing driver is for the inbuilt 3G connectivity device. How do I get the drivers for it?
I am having all sorts of problems trying to get 8.1 to work. First install just seemed to render loads of software useless (Outlook 2013, IE, and various Sony app). It ended up having to refresh the Duo back to factory spec and i have started again but still with issues.
Currently trying to update the BIOS using Vaio Updater but is keeps saying the the downloaded update is 'corrupt' and that I should download it again - which I have done many times with no difference. So I am stuck and don't want to update to 8.1 unless the Vaio is ready. Any ideas...?
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