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OK, I have given up trying to get the TV program working on my older Sony Vaio desk top (running XP) It was easy before digital, I could just plug the aerial in and there it was.
I have a newer Sony Vaio all in one desktop VPCJ1 running windows 7 64bit. No TV card only usb ports. Does anyone know if it is possible and if so how how I could watch and record TV on this computer. What extras would I need and which software. Any suggestions accepted.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi careyclose,
That’s great news. At least you are part way there and know that the device itself works
I would persevere with the supplied software as this records in MPEG-4 format which I believe is supported natively by Pinnacle. If DVR-MS is not supported you could in the meantime import the recorded TV into Movie Maker and then save. This converts the format to .WMV which I think is supported by Pinnacle.
If you don’t have Windows Live Movie Maker it can be downloaded for free.
Let us know how you get on.
Oh Rich, what have I done. I loaded windows essentials and thought i did everything right but couldn't find the program live movie maker, got a lot of other things with it though. problem now is I seem to have lost my windows live mail. I click on the icon but it does not open so I can't get to my emails. I looked in to control panel, remove programs and it looks like it was installed. I did a search and some one said go into cntr alt delete Task manager might be two copies, couldn't find anything resembling WLM exe? I have been trying some freeish video converters to try and find one that will convert the WMC files. Found one but sound is out of sync. Major concern is the loss of the use of live mail. If you have the solution i will look again in a couple of hours on this site because i can't get into my emails.
Hi careyclose,
There is the possibility that a fresh installation has moved the executable file and the shortcut is no longer able to find it.
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail\wlmail.exe. If the file is there double click it and Live Mail should open.
If you are unable to locate the file then click Start and type wlmail.exe in the search field – this should locate it for you.
If this works then I will explain how to edit the shortcut to point to the correct location.
Hi again, Went in to Computer, C: local disc, program file (x86). There are two files, one named Windows live, the other named windows mail.
I tried your other suggestion and it came up but when I clicked on it it did the same as when i click on the icon or the tag in the start programs, just get the wirly circle but nothing opens. Sorry to be such a pain.
Hi careyclose,
It would seem that something has been corrupted. If Windows Live Essentials is listed in Control Panel > Programs and Features double click this and select Repair All Windows Live Programs.
If this doesn't solve the problem then can you try the search for wlmail.exe (the .exe is important otherwise only the shortcut will be listed) again and right click the file > select Properties and let us know the location of the file. Hopefully it will be C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mail. If it is then look within the Mail folder for wlmail and try double clicking this.
Hi Rich, I went into control panel found WE, checked and found two programs listed (I had uninstalled the other rubbish) one was Messenger the other Mail, clicked repair all WLE, no difference. Did a start, typed in imail.exe and nothing came up. Went to C: programFile (x86). Clicked on Windows Live (not live mail) found wimail (no exe) 05/02/2013 Application. Tried clicking this, still no luck. Off to bed now, hope to have afresh mind tomorrow to try again. Thanks and
Hi careyclose,
You have eliminated the shortcut as the problem and it would seem the installation is corrupt or missing a dependency for some reason. You say you “uninstalled the other rubbish” – do you remember whether Live Mail was working immediately prior to doing this?
The only thing I can suggest is to uninstall Live Mail using Control Panel > Programs and Features and then download and re-install.
Good morning Rich, Yes it was working ok before I installed WE. Ok I will uninstall and re install. I will have to get the books out, can't remember how I setup the account. let you know how it goes.
Good morning careyclose.
If it’s not too late this download link may be of help for re-installing.
Hi Rich, don't you sleep?
Yes it was a little late but I would not have found your email if your suggestion hadn't worked. I downloaded almost everyhting and low and behold a miracle!! all my emails came back and the address book, how do you do it??
Now to get back to the serious stuff, converting the WMC files but I have to do some home maintenance first, she who must be obeyed has the clip board out.
Take care and thanks for your help, keep you informed.
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