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Having updated to Windows 8.1, the fan is going full whack all the time.
Suggestions on the net are to upgrade the graphics driver.
Upgrading the AMD Radeon HD 7570M/HD 7076M Graphics driver from 8.982.6.0 to brings the fan back down to normal speeds, however, causes the Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 driver and the Generic PnP Monitor driver to not work correctly (yellow triangle in Device Manager). This means that the HDMI output does not work.
Disabling the Intel driver and reenabling it causes the screen to go black - which persists on restart: The branding appears when first turned on, however, afterwards the screen is totally black (although every now and then for about a 10th of a second, what appears to be the wifi signal symbol appears).
The only way to fix this is to go into Safe Mode (which is not atall easy (thanks Sony)) and roll back the AMD driver.
So here I am... noisy fan as I use my HDMI output a lot. I'm pretty peeved that Sony haven't done proper driver testing on 8.1.
What can I do to fix this?
Hi davunderscorei and welcome.
I can't find your model on the Sony Support website - look for another model, something like SVE14A2X1EW
I don't think all Windows 8.1 drivers are available yet but there are 8.1 AMD and Intel drivers available here: -
Did you upgrade to 8.1 or do a clean install?
Thanks for your reply.
After some research, I believe my model number is SVE14A2C5E.
I upgraded from Windows 8 using the App Store.
Have a look at the Windows 8.1 drivers available here: -
Okay, I have updated drivers to the following:
AMD Radeon HD 7600M -
Intel HD Graphics 4000 -
...and still the fan is going at full whack.
Any thoughts?
You sure it is not still updating/installing win 8.1? I had a few windows updates to do following initial ugrade to win 8.1 from app store.
Our SVE14A2C5E is also doing the same, fan on all the time. The display drivers are also crashing from time to time.
Also - trying to open Catalyst Control Center gives an error...looks like the AMD drivers are completely screwed.
My SVE172C5E has had an AMD driver updates since 8.1 & is working perfectly.
Neither of the links provided above (one of them is the downloads page for our SVE14) have graphics drivers available as a post 8.1 update.
Hope this gets sorted soon...
Dear sony,
Why in godsname isnt this laptop being supported?
Furthermore please fix the problem cause im having the same issues with windows 8.1. Got the perfect advice to update my pc and now the fan is going biblical on my sorry *****.
Have tried all the above ideas but didnt work...
Hello Capt.CrazyCan
Welcome to the Sony Community This is a place where Sony users can help each other and share tips. Unfortunately it is not a direct line to Sony. Should you wish to contact Sony directly about this issue, please call 0905 031 0006 or contact them via email. The full details you can find here:
Hopefull someone will be able to help you soon,
Kind Regards,
Thanks for the reply, but found the fix. Was the onboard vid card that had to be properly updated. Couldnt find the laptop version name either. But if you boot up Vaio care you can find an additional name of your pc.
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