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My Sony Vaio Fit13A recently broke down. As it was still under warranty Sony promised to repair it. Unfortunately I was told that because Sony awaits for certain parts they are unable to give me any estimate to when the repair could be completed. Because I am an MSc student and I am in the midst of writing my dissertation I cannot afford to wait. Sony offered me a buyback for just fraction of the original price which would not be enough to get a similarly specified unit and all these despite the laptop being less than a year old (with a 2 years warranty) and in a perfect condition. I refussed the offer asking what other options there are and there my nightmare started.. Sony has never replied to my message.
Each time I called for an update I've been told different things. In fact, I've been lied, as I have been advised that Sony is under legal obligation to repair it within 30 working days. Secondly, I've been told that full buy back will be offered after 30 working days time frame elapse.
I've called again after the 30 working days only to be told that the timeframe for repair is 30 days not 30 working days! No need to mention that they claim to have never promised me a full refund should they fail to meet the deadline! Moreover, according to Sony I agreed to wait for the repair to be completed which is of course not true!
I've been told to wait (again!) as the issue is suposedly being escalated and I should hear back from Sony soon... During my second call hours later I've been told that according to their records the issue is not being escalated, I've refuesed the buyback offer and agreed to wait for a repiar.
This is absolutely unnaceptable. It seems that the Customer Service deliberately lies to me telling me different things each time I contact them. I have been promised a full buyback offer and I expect Sony to honour its own words.. I have been waiting over a month for the laptop to be repaired, it has caused me much difficulties to study without it. I have been promised a full buyback after the 30 days timeframe elapses and I expect Sony to honour its own words..
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