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Help needed. I need someone with this or a similar device to test the colours on their built in (IR) webcam. It is important that you are using it in daylight or with traditional light bulbs NOT florescent lighting. If you hold up black material or green material, what colour do you see on the webcam?
For example green knitted jumper appears pink and my black fleece appears bright purple. If I take a black piece of material and write on it with a black marker pen, the pen does not show - but on the webcam it is black pen on purple material. I know it sounds impossible.
The camera appears to work "to specifications" in the Sony repair lab. They are unable to test it in daylight. As we use it to show patchwork quilts on skype it does matter. I may have to return my second machine. Can anyone test this webcam for me / them? PLEASE
Unless genuine hardware fault, I suspect camera settings have gone astray. Best to do is to:
Go to Skype (desktop application, not Windows 8 app. If you don't have it installed, please download), then Options -> Video Settings. When you see your picture (whatever it may be), click Webcam Settings and either press Default and Apply or play with the sliders and check the results. White balance should be best left as Auto.
Thank you takrzem. It was wonderful to get a response. I have done as you suggested and installed the desktop skype. I also own a cheap logitech webcam, so I can switch between the two cameras and try all the adjustments. If I set the Sony webcam "hue" to zero, the other colours are rubbish, but the green material does have a greenish colour. Otherwise green and black material appear as pink and purple! Using my logitech, the colours are perfect. I think it has to be a "feature" of the IR camera as it is the same as the 2412 I bought (and returned) a year ago.
Just experimented: I have just drawn the curtains, turned out all the lights, given the computer a bright white "wallpaper". If I only use the light given by the computer screen, the colours on the material nearest the screen are correct. Turn the room light on (or open the curtains) and the colours are wrong. Skype contacts see the funny colours. Confused? So am I.
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