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The mouse is a ACE TX18 and it works fine with other laptops. I have provlems with my new Sony.
To add is no problem and its work directly. but after some minutes it is frozen and i cant make it wotk again.
The mouse have a sleepfuction after some minutes and to activate it i push a button and the left one. This works on all other laptops but not on this expensive one Sometomes i can work 30 minutes without any problem and suddenly it stops. After many tries to get it work again suddenly it work again.
I have looked in to the settings power savings and blue totth but nothing helps. I have also everything updated and also changed the mouse to a new one this week but stil the problem.
What to do?
Deja vu.
Have exactly the same problem. Annoying. Please let me know if you find the cure;P
PCG-51111v перерайверов в комплекте не шло.
Где скачать
From Google translate:
"PCG-51111v pererayverov complete the question.where to download."
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"@ Starhaunter2 Dobro pozhalovat' v soobshchestvo .Eto forum Velikobritanii , pozhaluysta, napi*****e na angliyskom yazyke. Spasibo."
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