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Several members seem to have problems with their CD/DVD drives at the moment. As far as I know, there is no magic solution but you could try some or all of the following: -
1. See if there is an updated driver or updated firmware for your drive at Vaio-Link. Some Sony drives are re-badged from other manufacturers and you may have to search for updated downloads. For example, if you have a Sony DW-D56A drive, you can get a firmware download from HERE (Use PFS2). Many other drives are also supported on this site.
2. Use System Restore to return your Vaio to the configuration when it was last working normally.
Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore - choose a restore date before you had the problem.
3. Look in Device Manager to see if there are any errors against your DVD/CD-ROM drive.
Start -> Right-Click My Computer -> Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager - expand DVD/CD-ROM Drives and check the status. If there is an Error Code or a yellow triangle with a ! or ? come back here with the number and we may be able to help.
4. If there is no error and the drive is reported as working normally, try Uninstalling the drive by right-clicking on it in Device Manager and choosing Uninstall. Re-booting your Vaio will reinstall the drivers.
5. Try some different software to read/write your discs and see if that works. Also try a different brand of discs - Sony, TDK and Verbatim seem favourites.
6. Try a liquid lens cleaner on the lens and polish with a microfibre cloth ? this can sometimes help.
7. If your drive works with either CDs or DVDs only make sure the ribbon cable is not preventing the reader head from moving freely - check that the laser head in the drive can move freely for the whole range of its travel. The disc information is held on the outside tracks for DVDs and the inner tracks for CDs.
8. Last resort is to perform a full C:\ Drive System Recovery from your Recovery Discs. Make sure you back up all your Data as the contents of C:\ will be lost and your Vaio returned to the factory configuration.
If none of these work, you may have a hardware problem and you need to contact Vaio-Link. There is no point contacting them until you have carried out a Drive C:\ Recovery as this is the first thing they will ask you to do.
Hello sorry if this request as already been noted via some other user,but i have had my VGN-AR31S for 3weeks, bought blue ray dvd's on playback i get stuttering play,and lose of sound,also the lip movement and sound are out of sync with each other? I have updated the driver via the self repair, but with no luck?
Any suggestions please, thanks in advance
Can anyone help me please, I am going bonkers:
- I have a Vaio FE28H, with was purchased with XP
- I installed Vista Ultimate and have also loaded all Vista drivers from Sony website
- For the last week or so, my dvd drive has been playing up
- When I try to back up 9using Windows back-up, Roxio or Norton 360), I cannot do so, getting various error messages along the lines of "the disc acnnot be read", disk is not UDF media" etc etc. DVDs can be read/plyed etc fine, it is just that no backup function works
- this problem seems to have appeared at about the same time that I downloaded Roxio Creator 9, which I have since uninstalled
- one other interesting point - the XP dvd driver was a pioneer one, but the driver is now a sony one. I have tried uninstalling the driver from device manager but it is always the sony driver that re-installs.
Help would be apprecaited as I need to backup my data.
Many thanks
i thought i had a problem with my G520A so i made a firmware update from a japan site of vaio of course from GFS1 to GFS3 so since then everytime i start up it prompts me to install the correct drivers for the harware!in my device manager i see everything ok and i burn just fine,what can i do?
Hi all,
I have also a cd-rom problem. I can't write any cd and read cds which is written bysomeone. If I use a factory written cd like driver cds I can read them. I don't know why it happens like this. Also I have problems with dvd writing.I can use maximum 2x speed. And it gives often errors. I tried different dvds but still same.
This problem happens after I installed the recent drivers from vaio website. I want to uninstall them but they came back when I restart the computer.
Once I read that there is a problem with one of the drivers. It makes some problems with the optical driver.But I forgot which driver was it 😞
At vaio update page I can't update Memory Stick Driver It says "not necessary(no aktuel device found)".
how can I fix this problem? I want to read write cds again :((
I have a vgn-fs315h
by the way at device manager there isn't any error code. Devices looks working properly.
I'd get very drunk cem and pass out and fall down....hehehe
I'd get very drunk cem and pass out and fall down....hehehe
Opps I just realised it's the wrong cem ...the cem from our fabulous meeting is Brussels...excuse moi
I'd get very drunk cem and pass out and fall down....hehehe
Hi Cem,
What Driver Update did you install..?
Have you tried a system restore to a point before you updated the drivers..
I'd get very drunk cem and pass out and fall down....hehehe
Yes indeed Cem via taxi to the flemish area of Belgium was a wild man...please accept my apolgies...but he was a top bloke
Hi Cem,
Do a full system restore again, once completed try write and read CD's before installing any updates..
If your CD/DVD drive does not work after a system restore it could indicate a hardware problem..
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