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Hi i dont know if anyone will understand or can help me but i will try i have a 32inch LCD Bravia Tv Model Number KDL-32V4000 and i am trying to get a vga adpter to work with an old console that i know works with the vga adapter as the setup i am going to give you works fine on a crt or lcd pc moniter as i have tried it for this setup i will call the console,console A ok here goes.
VGA Box connected to console A
VGA BOX connected to Tv Via pc input via standard pc vga cable
VGA Box switched to pc
Tv switched to pc channel
Switch Console A on
and it does not work all i get is a black screen and a message saying out of range does anyone know whats going on i am currently using a scart lead on console A and scart lead on hd tvs are not that great and i am trying to improve the picture slightly for hd tvs dont get me wrong it is fine and completely playable through scart lead.
the name of the company that made the vga box is called Blaze but i doubt that will make a difference to anyone thank you to anyone who replies to this
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Message was edited by: dangerousbrian0
Message was edited by: dangerousbrian0
Message was edited by: dangerousbrian0
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