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My Sony Experia L3 does not allow me to send group messages, whether by group text or mass text to individuals. A dialog box comes up saying I am trying to send a lot of messages and gives option to tap 'deny' or 'allow' but it does not work. I just get a lot of 'message not sent to... ' bounce-backs from each individual in the group I tried to text. Any ideas?
Hi @NICKMARIOS, let me see if I can be of any help here!
Have you tried clearing data for the Messages app? No messages will be deleted by this measure, but by doing this, all settings for the application will be reset to default which might do the trick. In order to do this, find and tap Settings > Apps and Notifications > App info> App name > Storage > Clear data > Restart the phone.
Another good idea is to check whether the application is set to send a SMS reply to all recipients or if it is set to send a MMS reply to all recipients. In order check this, Open the Messages app > Tap the three dots in the top right corner > Tap "Advanced" > Tap "Group messages" > Set the function to the type of message you want to send.
Try these measures and let me know how it goes!
after ive set up a group label with contacts in how do i send a groupe message to them. i have not got any idea and neither has my wife so can someone tell me please
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