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dear admin
i have bdv-n9200wl and i try to update my firm ware to "0182" but it failed at 0%
my current version is "0164" i tested with all folowing conditions
-use USB
-use WIFI
-ejected BD- unplug for a day and next try dont work
-unplug all HDMI and ...
What should i do?!!!!!
Hi there,
Have you tried a factory reset?
Best wishes,
yes bro
i reset it - factory reset
something is strange for this HT because its BD cant eject (even if i push the play buttom with eject together) and at the first of boot it showd "D on" and 5 second later shows "D off"
what is this?
what is sp-mode?
what is the input port under the device (i will take a picture of it and upload)
Sorry for bad english
Hi @Exir007,
I suggest you use the most recommended method, which is using a network cable connected to the LAN port of the device for updating your firmware. At times updating from internet can take up to 60 minutes on very slow internet connections. That is why the message [Download capacity: xxxxxxKB/xxxxxKB and xx% is display in TV screen] is displayed and the progress bar on the display will not change for a long time. But before you start updating the firmware you must:
If the update still fails you should be able to update by burning the firmware files to a CD or DVD disc. First extract the folder called UPDATE from the you downloaded. Then burn the folder UPDATE to the CD/DVD. Note that all four firmware files must be inside the UPDATE folder.
i do that and it failde - ejject the disk - turn of the quick start - unpuged for a while for cache clearing and....
but it stuck on 0% and failed after about 15sec
i saw a port similar to usb in under the device, what is that? (can i flash it using that port? - can see in images )
the next thing that i thing do this failed proccess id "D. ON" and "D.OFF" that show in device LCD
right after turn it on (you can see images below) after 3 sec it show "D. ON" and after 10 sec it tpe "D.OFF" - what is this *****y codes of sony?
(tommorow will upload the images because of upload count limits 5 pics)
i think this matter "D. ON" and "D.OFF" related to firmware update failed
does your devices show this two conditions on your device's LCD after boot up?3 sec after bootup show "D. ON"
7 sec after "D. ON" it show "D.OFF"
Can some one help me?
I cant even eject because its not opening when i push eject, i i kw that, this is not a hardware problem because rarly times it opens, but i cant even know when?
I think this related to "D.OFF" too.
UP please help me
Hi @Exir007,
You need to take your device to a Sony service repair shop and let them know that you can't eject discs. As long as there is a disc in the device a firmware upgrade will not be possible.
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