I've just bought one of these and on the whole I'm fairly happy but there are a few things I havent figured out yet. I've spent the weekend copying everything off my computer onto the HDD and it only seems to have copied half the stuff. I made sure all my music collection was MP3 - no MP4s tucked away in there I'm sure and certainly no ACCs or similar. Itunes tells me I have 14000+ tracks at about 60GB worth of data, yet after importing all the files my HDD is apparently only half full with 35GB free. So this tells me that rather a lot didn't transfer. I did it bit by bit as I only had a 16GB memory stick to trasnfer with so it isnt becuase I tried to import more than 10,000files at once.
My second question is is there a quick way to see whcih tracks didn't import?
And my third question is if I try to re-import folders will it create duplicates of what is already there or will the system recognise the album as one it has already imported and ignore it second time round?
I had thought I could try importing again via the shared folder I have now set up but don't really want to end up with two copies of everything
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