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I have a sony giga juke. It will not turn on using the remote - it is showing a blue flashing light as if it is in standby but the controls on the unit or the remote will not work. This happended before and I had to turn it off at the mains. Has anyone had this problem.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Sphinx
I can assure you as in my last thread I to am very frustrated by the issue as I am like you every few days having to reboot.
My thouhgts on this have been made clear in the past - something is accessing the unit via the internet and resetting it - I do not use internet radio so it cannot be that.
My system says it is not connected to the internet and yet it can talk to Gracenote.
As I said keep badgering them as you are doing until we get the proper fix and a full explanation
I have looked on all of the threads and I have noted that very few have a green flag against them so perhaps we are talking to the wring people.
Hi Rachel
I can assure that if I had spent the equivilant of 48 hrs doing what only takes me 3 minutes I would be concerned - it seems to me you have bigger issues with your kit if it is constantly locking up.
I have a house full of Sony and rest assured I have threatened to stop buying thier products, but I am not going out to replace an item at my cost due to thier issues.
I wish you luck in your resolving the problem.
Hi Simon
The green flag is really irritating me as it looks as if the issue is resolved when it is not - even if the infamous temporary fix worked the issue is not resolved. However, the green flag remains, apparently so more people can try the temporary fix and be disappointed.
I am more guilty of most of being sidelined with this temporary fix thing, perhaps the intention, when the real issue is that the Giga Juke has now not worked as intended for 6 weeks or more, and we are getting virtually no feedback from Sony. Sony are still denying, via customer services, that there is even an issue, and the only way most Giga Juke users will know that there is a known issue is if they find this forum (where it is indicated by a green flag that the issue has been resolved).
We are still waiting for an explanation as to what has gone wrong. In fact, any input from Sony on this forum has not enlightened me at all except to inform me that people are 'working their socks off' to put the issue right. I would be happy to just know what they are 'working their socks off' on when we are still being asked what models and the software version we are using. B
Lee assured us yesterday that we would get a daily update. Have I missed it on the first day, or was the repeat posting of the fix the update?
Very disappointing overall.
I am confident in saying your unit has not locked up simply because, as you say, it isn't connected to the internet.
As for accessing Gracenote, the unit has a Gracenote database built in (albeit rather out of date now), try loading a newly released CD in the unit and see what it makes of it.
I believe people are irate because Lee's first posting today gave the impression that a better fix for the 55 unit had been found, when in fact it was the same rehashed fix that everyone already knows doesn't work. People don't like being patronised, especially when they have spent considerable amounts on money.
People aren't posting their details because posting them won't help, Sony already have enough details.
Like I said a few weeks ago, it took Sony 3 weeks to fix the Playstation network when the world and his dog was watching, and it was making worldwide headlines, how long do you honestly think Gigajuke issue is going to take, I doubt it is high on their priorities!!
I for one wouldn't be surprised if it is never fixed.
Exactly that Spoysers....
There are enough details on this thread going back eight weeks or so and well into 15 pages.
If they cant gauge an answer out of that then I don't know!
But, if they need more, for some reason,my model is NAS-S55HDE with three wireless receivers, software version 1.01.00, exactly the same problems as most others on here and yes I do get the message up.
At the moment its connected to the wireless receivers through AOSS with no connection to my router, as I said before, I can't be bothered anymore with the hassle. I'm not even going to attempt any 'fixes' and will keep reading this forum in the vague hope that Sony eventually give me back what I originally bought the unit for.
Just reading the last several posts again I wonder if it's time to admit we've all been turned over and move on.....
Message was edited by: HDFatboy96
Message was edited by: HDFatboy96
Dear All
I totally agree with what you are saying, I have been complaining about the fact that my system like yours is not connecting to the Internet and I need clarification that Gracenotes was in fact loaded on the system.
Originally I assumed that by connecting the LAN cable from my unit to my modem and the Buffalo to the same modem that actually it was connected to the Internet - through interrogation I find that it is not actually doing so.
The system is now not locking up since I ran this last temporary fix - so have Sony actually blocked it from doing so ?
I do miss the fact that I am unable to connect to Internet radio and that I am unable to update brand new CDs with the correct information and I do recognise the fact that it does not do what it was sold to do.
However through experience at complaining to Sony I have found that the only way forward is to carry out all of their advice and should it not work then I have a case of making a claim from them, and in this case I will expect full recompense by say January 1st 2012 - that will have given them 12 working weeks at the minimum to have sorted this problem.
As an example of being patient and following every thing to the "T" and crossing the "I"s my previous notebook which cost me over £1300 mysteriously starting having hard drive failure and yet only 9 months old on the 1st time by the 3rd time I said enough is enough and as I have accepted and carried out all of your recommendations and advice and yet Sony has not solved the problem I would like a full refund or a brand new replacement.
After 2 weeks I recieved a £1800 3d laptop - the best there is from Sony at this moment.
Why because I followed their rules and proved that there was a problem that they could not solve and therefore they had to settle.
When you make a claim against your insurance there are 3 stages
what happened before the event
what was the event
and what did you do to minimise the insurers liability following the event.
With out being able to provide facts and evidence for all three elements you will not get a satisfactory settlement.
Do not ignore their request to attempt to run these temporary fixes or even state in writing that that is your intention - by doing so you have broken your contract with them.
I suggest you all write that you are given them an ultimatum of a fully working product by January 1st 2012 or you will expect a full refund - not a buy back valuation as the product does not work as sold and therefore is not fit for its purpose.
I have on posting this item also have removed my self from being informed of any responses and will monitor the thread by logging on.
Good luck to all of you in resolving this matter
Oh I have to laugh now.
I had intended not to post again but Simon has just made me laugh so much.
If even he is asking for his money back the situation is obviously dire !LOL
he had been the only person on here not losing his rag and now he has given Sony an ultimatum put up or pay up.
The same thing lots of us have been saying for ages.
I have tried all the fixes and they do not work.
So where to go
.Seems obvious.
I too an now not receiving emails and will monitior weekly in the unlikely event that they manage to sort it.
Hubby is writing to Sony as we speak.
It will go recorded delivery.
Goodbye and good luck.
Please don't think I am having a go at you, but your laptop example is not really equivalent.
You were an individual with a defective piece of kit that was still under warranty, they were clearly either going to fix it or replace it (it is common for items to be replaced with superior units).
The bottom line is they replaced your laptop because they had to under the terms of the warranty/guarantee.
How much do you think it actually cost Sony to send you a £1800 laptop, certainly a lot less than refunding you the £1300!
With this Gigajuke problem, it effects every single Gigajuke unit (presumably in the world), the majority of which I would think are out of warranty.
They have already stated that they won't even officially acknowledge there is a problem until they have a fix! Why? Because if they do it will open a floodgate of claims.
(Are Sony still manufacturing Gigajukes? I have just been to their website and can't find it listed as a current product)
Double post - even the forum doesn't work now LOL!!
Message was edited by: spoysers
Message was edited by: spoysers
I'll try again!!
Please don't think I am having a go at you, but your laptop example is not really equivalent.
You were an individual with a defective piece of kit that was still under warranty, they were clearly either going to fix it or replace it (it is common for items to be replaced with superior units).
The bottom line is they replaced your laptop because they had to under the terms of the warranty/guarantee.
How much do you think it actually cost Sony to send you a £1800 laptop, certainly a lot less than refunding you the £1300!
With this Gigajuke problem, it effects every single Gigajuke unit (presumably in the world), the majority of which I would think are out of warranty.
They have already stated that they won't even officially acknowledge there is a problem until they have a fix! Why? Because if they do it will open a floodgate of claims.
(Are Sony still manufacturing Gigajukes? I have just been to their website and can't find it listed as a current product)
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