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Tenho uma Alpha 900. Esta manhã ao trocar de lente(coisa que faço frequentemente) Dá-me um erro:No Lens Attached Shutter is locked.
Quem me pode ajudar a resolver este problema?
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Caro Lmeira,
Bem-vindo ao forum da Sony...
Veja se descobre no Menu ...a função "shutter lock function" e defina como "no lens" ...
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Passei por todas asOpções do Menu e não encontrei nada que me correspondesse a função solicitada.
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Caro Lmeira,
Parece que esse modelo não tem essa funcionalidade, ao contrário de modelos anteriores...
Isto foi o que encontrei sobre o assunto:
-I just got my a900 yesterday and noticed one thing that bothers me a bit. When I got it, I naturally attached many of my lenses to it to try them out. One of them was a Lensbaby 2.0. The camera was in Aperture priority mode and when I pressed the shutter release all I got was a message on the rear LCD that there was no lens and that the shutter was locked. I read the manual and looked through the menus but didn't find an option to allow the shutter to fire with no lens attached, though there was an option to lock the shutter with no memory card inserted. The a100 has an option like this and if I remember correctly, so does the a700 (mine's in the shop for back focus issues).
After a bit of experimentation, I discovered that the camera will release the shutter with no lens in Manual exposure mode. Is this consistent with other a900 owners' experiences?
-You have to use Manual mode. No auto functions avaiable with an adapter attached, as far as I know. With all modes except M you just get a No lens-warning (top panel and screen).
-unfortunatelly Sony dropped the "release without lens" menu option in all cameras since a200, including a900. Some of us have expressed our disappointment with this but the "official" explanation is that they wanted to keep the cameras as easier to use (sic .. it is a flagship !!) and most a-mount users have no problems with having less options so ... it isn't likely they will change that. Some of us that have some contacts with sony are still trying to change their minds but without support of as many a900 owners as possible this is very hard.
-According to the A900 manual, you have to use the "M" mode when shooting with a manual adapter. With the A700 there is an option to enable shutter release with no lens present (and you have to enable that even in "M" mode if you want to shoot with a non-chipped adapter). With the A900 system you are forced to use "M" mode with adapters, but it doesn't seem to me that much is lost if you can't use Auto, A, P, S.
Parece que não é defeito...é "feitio"...tente contactar a assistência, mas parece-me que não existe solução...:smileysad:
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Obrigado pelo informação.
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