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I have my SKY Q connected to my Denon Amp and Amp to TV
When I had a Panasonic it would auto switch to the HDMI...but it won't on the Sony, I have to manually select the input.
Is there a setting I've missed on the TV because I've trawled and cannot find anything...this only thing I can across what the control not to power on the AMP when I switched on the TV (which was annoying for my use) so I disabled it.
....anyway I've tried all combinations and nothing works.
My audio is fine, when SKY Q box is on sound/video is displayed on the Bravia no issue
When I power on the Denon, audio is fine too via the Amp
....this only thing that does work is when Bravia Sync enabled but then power on/off affects everything which I suspect is because this portion uses CEC and not what I'm trying to achieve...good old Sony imo!
@royabrown2 I do not have an earc HT so cannot try it, but from Sony specification it seems that it should be on regardless if arc or earc. From what he wrote he seems to be using the Denon only for skyq so it doesn't matter what he does on the TV since it is connected directly to the AVr.
@sparkymarcopolo have you found the option to automatically revert to AVr in your TV?
It should be like this
@rooobb I am not using the `Denon for Sky Q, it's connected directly to the Denon as the unit has HDMI passthrough.
I'm not sure what you're getting at about the AVr reverting, I'm not trying to do anything with the Denon
@sparkymarcopolo I know my English is not perfect , but If you read the article linked it shows how you can tell the TV to not power on your Denon anytime you switch it on. If that option is still present in your OLED TV.
@rooobb neither is mine and it's meant to be my first language.
I did take a look but the option no longer prompts you to choose whether it will power the AVR device on ot not, just displays the devices it's compatible with and what to check.
I've just noticed something else, unless I have Bravia Sync enabled, audio is not passed to the Denon from the it's a no win situation.
I wish I'd never touched Sony again, apart from the picture, the menu system and how the options work compared to my Panasonic are first rate crap!
Your basic option anyway is to add an optical cable from the TV and keep bravia sync off so you'll have all that you ask for without being depressed . Unfortunately I cannot check anything else for you not having the same TV model.
It is what it is....a great picture but that's where the positive feedback halts.
I think what @sparkymarcopolo wants is to turn on his TV and not have the receiver that is connected to the TV’s eARC HDMI port turn on.
Which is entirely contrary to how (e)ARC is supposed to work.
The setting you describe anyway does not address that; it addresses only which screen the TV shows at power on, and I don’t think there is any screen that would ignore ARC.
@sparkymarcopolo has achieved his aim by turning off BraviaSync (CEC) on the TV; (e)ARC is dependent on the sending device having CEC turned on.
(Normally, it is dependent on the receiving device having it turned on as well, but Denon have a workaround for this, so it doesn’t need it.)
However, as he has found, turning off BraviaSync stops the Sony keeping up its end of the ARC bargain, so when he does turn on the receiver manually, the Sony sends no audio over the ARC.
Irregardless of ARC though, @sparkymarcopolo needs BraviaSync on so the Sony can automatically switch to the receiver when its output is detected.
So ARC is out, and audio from the Sony to the Denon needs to follow the suggestion of @rooobb to use the Optical Out. Which, as I surmise that the ARC triggering would still be operative, would also mean taking the HDMI cable out of the eARC port on the Sony, and connecting it via one of the other ports.
However, @rooobb‘s solution will require that the receiver doesn’t turn on when the optical signal arrives (if it does, it certainly won’t be CEC causing it) or we are back to square one.
And ideally that the Sony can control the volume of the optical signal - my 2015 Sony Android TV could, so it’s doable, as long as the more recent sets still support this.
However, the quid pro quo here would likely be that @sparkymarcopolo has to switch to this input manually.
And also the Sky box, unless he turned on HDMI Control on the Denon. Which might also be needed to switch the Sony automatically to the input with the receiver on it.
But which still shouldn’t cause the receiver to turn on automatically from the Optical signal, as CEC is an HDMI thing only.
Which only leaves HDMI Passthrough on the Denon to be set correctly.
The Denon manual seems to be saying that Passthrough would let the signal from the Sky box go through to the TV even with the Denon in standby, and wouldn’t take the Denon out of standby.
Which is fine if it’s what @sparkymarcopolo wants - that even the Sky box should not fire up the Denon Audio unless he wants it to. But he may need to turn Passthrough Off if he wants the Sky box to automatically start the Denon playing the audio.
I think the above will meet @sparkymarcopolo‘s requirements, though it will unavoidably require manual switching to play the TV’s audio over the Denon.
It may well be that the best solution is to go back to the original configuration, switch BraviaSync back on, and maybe HDMI control on the Denon as well, and resign himself to just one manual action, which is to switch the Denon back to standby when the Sony TV is switched on.
As I can’t figure a setup without at least one manual step, and this is actually the simplest.
That's pretty much it to a tee @royabrown2
Everything I've found out and tested all scenarios but I'm sticking with Bravia sync off. When I power on SKY, I manually switch to HDMI on the TV and since I rarely use surround sound, I can enable sync as and when.
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