KD-55XD9305 remote (RMF-TX200E)


KD-55XD9305 remote (RMF-TX200E)

Has anyone experienced the RMF-TX200E remote hanging? It doesn't respond, and then I have to remove the batteries and re-insert them to get it working again.


The TV says there is an update available, but when I try to update it the TV says 'Updating' and then after a while it says 'Update failed' - the remote's LED then stays lit for a while, before becoming available again.


I've contacted Sony support in the UK, who for some reason, have told me to contact Sony Portugal on their online form?! I have asked them why and have not received a reply. Surely if I buy a product in the UK, I get support in the UK? Even if they have to refer to international teams, support should do it?


Anyway, anyone got a solution to the problem? Or has had a similar problem? Or has been fobbed off by Sony UK support?



Since you have RMF-200E remote control with voice and the same X9305C TV as me. How did you get the voice button working on the TV. How did you pair the remote control via Bluetooth. I'm having trouble with mine.