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Mám problém s přihlášením do aplikace Eurosport. Aplikace nainstalována z obchodu Googl pay. Po spuštění nabídne formulář pro přihlášení, ale do kolonky jméno nelze psát, do hesla psát lze. Takže není možné přihlášení. Aplikaci jsem několikrát odinstaloval a znovu nainstaloval, bez výsledku.
In English, please.
Eurosport on KD-49XG8396
I'm having trouble logging into the Eurosport app. Application installed from Google play store. After starting, it offers a login form, but you cannot write in the name field, you can write in the password field. So login is not possible. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app again with no results.
Thanks for that.
Could be your individual TV, could be a general Sony Android/Google TV problem, could be a Eurosport app problem.
The first thing to try, because it is very easy, is a TV soft reset by holding down the On/Standby button on the TV remote for just over 5 seconds, This will cure odd little glitches, at least.
The second is to check that the software on your TV is fully up to date, and update it if not.
If this does not fix it, then while it’s possible this is a Sony problem, it’s more likely to be a Eurosport app problem. And even if it is a Sony problem, then Eurosport will be the best people to diagnose it and report it to Sony, and/or alternatively to create a workaround.
The developer is recorded as:-
so I think the next thing to do would be to ask them to look at the issue, and see what they suggest.
If they can’t reproduce it, then check other apps you may have to see if they have the same issue.
But whether they do or not, your next step would be to Factory Reset your TV.
While this is not a thing we recommend lightly, and often get criticised for recommending, as you will have to reconfigure quite a few things all over again, Sony TVs are notorious for getting themselves into states where this is necessary 😢
And it is anyway the first thing that Sony will ask you if you have done, or ask you to do, if you contact Sony support.
Please let us know how it goes.
The problem has been detected. I have an external Logitech keyboard connected via a unifying receiver on USB. This worked before the last Sony TV software update. We have tried different variants, why it is not possible to write in the login form. After disconnecting the said keyboard, removing the receiver from the USB, the system keyboard started and everything is already working.
Thanks for trying to help and I hope this experience can help other users.
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