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On the US version, I am having serious (likely hardware) issues with discoloration on the right side of the front/selfie camera. You can see it in the attached picture. I returned my phone today, got a replacement, and it has THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM, with *same* odd shape and discolorations. As if the lens manufacturer sent faulty lens to the assembly line, and someone forgot to check for quality control.
Too bad, as I love this phone very much, but if this is an issue for many US customers, it will prove lethal to this mid-priced line in the States, as few people are giving it a chance as it is.
I will check the software updates page when I get home, but am fearing the worst. Hopefully they don't need to make a major recall of their US phones.
Typing from my second likely defective Xperia 10 Plus. Hope no one else has this issue, but I can't be so "lucky" to get two faulty new phones in a row.
Star Ace
I had this problem with my first Xperia 10 plus... I've sent back this phone, and became (this) another one
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